
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Kong, and some news

Today I had King Kong playing on the DVD player in my office for background noise and couldn't help doing this quick sketch between inking pages. Also if anyone is interested, yes I loved the Peter Jackson Kong! I love all things Kong(well...Son of Kong is just ok).

I've also got a few bits of news today! I've been nominated for the Russ Manning award!!! I found out a while back and that's what helped inspire the Magnus drawing, if you've been keeping up with my wee little blog thingy. It's such an honor just to be nominated, and to have my name in print anywhere near Russ Manning's is just surreal. I mean he's one of my heroes and I've been nominated for an award in honor of him..... wow.

Also, I'm doing an issue of the Exterminators for DC/Vertigo which'll be on stands August 2nd. But don't wait for my ish go out and pick up the five issues that are out now, or grab the
Bug Brothers trade. Simon Oliver and Tony Moore make a perfect team and I'm honored to have an issue squeezed in between all of theirs.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Q&C (sans spoilers)

Okay, since Queen & Country #30, written by THE Greg Rucka and doodled by myself, hits stands tomorrow I figured I post something cool out of my sketchbook. Unfortunately all the cool stuff is spoiler worthy, so you get an odd montage of Middle Eastern men.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Goodbye, Mr. Toth

Mr. Toth passed away Saturday morning at his drawing table, a bit like an old time cowboy dying with their spurs on, but left behind some of the most amazing comics work the world will ever know. All my best to the Toth family and fans. You'll be missed, sir.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Infinity what?

This is a test doodle of Thanos for a commission I'm getting ready to work on with the Big T throwing down with Captain Marvel. Since I've never really tried to draw any of Marvel's more cosmic characters I wanted to make sure my designs were okay before I actually hunker down to a nice finished piece.

Monday, May 22, 2006


I'll try to get some more polished stuff up later this week, but until then here's another quick doodle out of my sketchbook of Magnus Robot Fighter! Dark Horse has put out two beautiful hardcover archives so far with the third scheduled for September. I was lucky enough to stumble onto a ton of the old Gold Key issues (along with some Turok and Solar) at a flea market in a five for a dollar box when I was kid, and let me tell you there's not a lot of things cooler to a seven year old than a guy that lives in the future who takes out robots with his BARE HANDS! Russ Manning was a genius, and saying he was ahead of his time is truly an understatement. If sci-fi isn't your thing though check out his Tarzan and see how a master does it.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Ol' Shell Head

Here's a really loose doodle of Iron Man partly inspired by Jay Stephens's slick design over at Mike Cho's Iron Man blog:Tony Stark Your Go-To Guy.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Action Dad 19-22

Okay, so here's the last chunk of Action Dad. I'm sure it's not everyone's cup o' tea but I still get a kick out of it. Sorry I've been posting old stuff for the past week or so but I've been super busy as of late and haven't really had the time to sit in front of computer. I'll have some newer stuff for you next post. Thanks for lookin'!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Action Dad pages 4&5

Okay, couple more AD pages today. The teacher's look was based on my wife while her last name, Ms. Sutton, I stole from my Grandma. Also the school was based on my mental picture of my old high shool. The Phish head in page 4 isn't really based on anyone in particular but he sure seems familiar.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Action Dad pages 2&3

Here are the next two pages, kids! More for ya tomorrow.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Action Dad, page 1

Here's page 1 of 22 from Action Dad. I was going for a different look, something clean and fun to reflect the story. Keep in mind this is three years old.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Action Dad!!

That's right, "Action Dad". This is from a comic I did waaaay back in 2003 with a script by my uber-talented wife Laura, before we were even married mind you, so I hadn't made her sick of comics just yet. The book is just about as crazy as the title suggests but it was a helluva lot of fun. We shopped it around a bit but it never really went anywhere. It's a shame too since I think think it turned out pretty good, if I say so myself. I might start posting chunks of it here if it's cool with the missus to give Action Dad new life in the blogosphere.

Friday, May 05, 2006

STL represent!

Okay, so this isn't comic related at all but my wife Laura got a hand colored doodle of
Flat Stanley in her mail the other day at work from a bunch of second grade kids from New York. She thought it'd be nice if I drew one for them in return, so here it is. You can find out all about the Flat Stanley Project here.

Oh, and if you're in the St. Louis area Saturday May 6th stop by Star Clipper comics in the Loop where your's truly, Brian Hurtt, Matt Kindt, and Joe Dodd will be peddling our wares and doodling up a storm for Free Comic Book Day.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Just a quick one out of my sketchbook today since I'm keeping pretty busy these days. This Joker is a little more the Man Who Laughs than I usually draw him but I'm kind of fond of it.