
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Whatever Wednesday: Name a Theme Week Contest!

That's right, gang! The burden of coming up with a subject for a week's theme now rests firmly on your shoulders.
Forget about the daily themes we've had going here lately, this is YOUR chance to have me draw something especially catered to your taste for five days in a row.
The fun doesn't end there though! The person who suggests the best theme will win one of the drawings done for their theme. Please submit your theme week entry in the comments to this post. You may suggest as many themes as you wish. Cut off for submitting a theme is next Wednesday, January 7th! Winner will be chosen by Laura and myself. I reserve the right to use your theme for a future week, even if you don't win this contest! ;)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Super Tuesday: Hulk vs Thor Commission- pencils

Here are the pencils for the commission I posted sketches for last Thursday. I was given the option of going with #1 or #4. Since the composition seemed a bit more dramatic in #4 that's the one I gravitated toward.
Thor's arm (the one with the hammer) was a bit awkward in the initial sketch though, so I tried to punch it up a bit in the pencils.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Bat-Monday: Commission Ligne Claire Inks

I thought this looked kind of neat after I erased all the pencil lines so I figured I'd post it here. This one is for any of you out there who might like to see a bit of the process before I put brush to paper.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Gal Friday: Cap Commission-inks

And here are the finished inks to the Captain America commission I've been posting about lately.
Yeah, I know. Two weeks in a row using Sharon Carter as our "gal" is a little cheap. I'll try to have something fresh for you next week though, okay?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Technicolor Thursday: Iron-man & Cap

Hope you had a great B-Day, Nathan and Joel!!

Oh, and I think today is some sort of holiday... Happy holidays to all you lovely blog readin' folks and to all a good night!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Whatever Wednesday: Sleeper Commission- Sketches

Hope you all aren't sick of seeing all this commission stuff yet. I've still got quite a few scans to post...
Anyway, for this one I was asked to pick from six or so characters (with a bit of emphasis on Holden Carver and Miss Misery) from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips's Sleeper.
You're welcome to guess what we went with again, but it's actually another combo of two of these.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Super Tuesday: Cap Commission-pencils

These are the final pencils for the Captain America commission. I'll try to have the inks up here on Friday.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Bat-Monday: Commission Pencils

Here are the pencils to the commission I mentioned last Monday.
Leave it to the Joker to try to coax a child away from Batman with a nutcracker fashioned in his own visage:)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Gal Friday: Cap Commission-final sketch

Can we count Sharon Carter as this week's gal? Come on, cut me a break here!
Anyway, here is the final sketch for the commission mentioned on Tuesday, combining elements from the first batch of thumbnails.
Have a great weekend, folks. Watch out for those last minute shoppers!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Technicolor Thursday: Hulk vs Thor Commission- Sketches

'Nother commission for you all. Posted in crazy color and grey for easy viewing.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Whatever Wednesday: Devil Slayer #4 On Stands Today!!

Dont' forget to pick up the final issue of Devil Slayer on sale today!!

STORY BY: Brian Keene
ART BY: Chris Samnee
COLORS BY: June Chung
LETTERS BY: VC - Joe Caramagna
COVER BY: Kaare Andrews

Its a final showdown in the Garden of Eden as the Devil-Slayer faces off against both demons and angels in an effort to stop Armageddon! Everything is at stake if he doesn't defeat the demon Belathauzer, the archangel Gabriel, the Bloodstone Group and the other Operation: Xenogenesis conspirators in time…in the terrifying conclusion to this much-talked-about reimagining, written by award-winning horror novelist Brian Keene (Ghost Walk, The Rising) and illustrated by Chris Samnee (DAREDEVIL: BLOOD OF THE TARANTULA)!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Super Tuesday: Cap Commission-sketches

Above are a few options given to narrow down what shape this Captain America/ Sharon Carter piece would take.
Only the characters were requested on this one, so I just tried to come up with something cool for them to be doing.  Jumping out of helicopters and deflecting bullets with a shield etc. You know, everyday stuff... for Cap anyway.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Bat-Monday: Commission Sketches

One of the commissions that I've taken on recently is of Batman protecting a small child from the Joker.  Oh, and the Joker is trying to tempt the child with a toy while hiding a gun behind his back.  Sounds easy enough, right?
Above are the four options I gave to choose from.
Can you guess which one we went with?  A big honkin' no-prize to the first person who guesses correctly.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Gal Friday: Simplicity

Toth just made it look too easy. I'm trying to simplify to barest necessity.
Wally Wood may have made "when in doubt black it out" his motto, but it's even harder to leave it out altogether!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Things You Need Thursday: Devil Slayer TPB

If you missed out on the 4 issue mini-series, now's your chance to get all four issues under one cover!

Abandoned by his fiancee, his family, his church, and his government, Sergeant Dan Sylva returns to Iraq for a third tour of duty - and a descent into Hell itself! If the demon Belathauzer and the mysterious mercenary group known as Bloodstone have their way, Iraq, the place where civilization began, may also be where civilization ends! The reinvented Devil-Slayer takes Marvel's Dead of Night to terrifying new heights, from award-winning horror novelist Brian Keene (The Rising, Dark Hollow) and artist Chris Samnee (Daredevil: Blood of the Tarantula)!

Collects Dead of Night Featuring Devil-Slayer #1-4.

Paperback: 96 page
On sale April 8, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0785132813
ISBN-13: 978-0785132813

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Whatever Wednesday: Indiana Jones

The latest Indiana Jones installment may not have been the best film in the world... but considering the fact that the first three WERE, it's a pretty tall order indeed to try to catch lightning in a bottle four times in a row.
That said, it gets easier to watch on repeated viewings. I wish the same could be said for Superman Returns.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Super Tuesday: Army of Darkness

Sure. He's not exactly a superhero, but I think Ash is pretty super:)

This is my BOOMSTICK!!

Monday, December 08, 2008

Bat-Monday: Dead End Joker

Hard to believe that this is the same guy who played Richard "Boner" Stabone on Growing Pains, isn't it?

Friday, December 05, 2008

Gal Friday: The Pleather Spy

This is just another little sketch (see last Friday) to test out a leather texture, before I committed anything to a finished inked page. It's veeeery simple but I really like how it turned out. Now if I could just get this kind of simplicity into my paying work.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Spend Your X-Mas Bonus!

I’m accepting a very limited number of commissions on a first come, first paid, first served basis.
Commissions are 11x17, one to two characters in black and white on Bristol for $175 (this includes shipping). Each additional character will cost extra.
All commissions will be personalized.
Turnaround time on commissions should be pretty quick, but may not be done by the end of the year.

If you are interested, please drop me a line. My email address is on my profile page.

Technicolor Thursday: Top Secret!!

This is just a bit of thinking on paper for a book Laura and I have been brainstorming. I was trying out a more European, muted color palette here.
I'd love to tell you more but I don't want to spoil anything.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Whatever Wednesday: Website Banner

A few weeks back Laura was working on my new website for one of her classes. You may remember a call out for evaluations one crazy Sunday evening.
Anyway, this is the header I worked up for the site. Nothing's going live just yet, but I thought you all might like to see this little noir-ish piece.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Super Tuesday: The Thing

Just a quick one today from a while back. I was trying out a new grease pencil here.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Bat-Monday: So it begins...

I've been struggling for monsters to post here on Mondays, so today marks the start of Bat-Mondays.
A character, and family of characters, I never tire of drawing. They certainly have managed to sneak onto just about any scrap piece of paper I put pencil to.

This sketch was drawn from one of my top 3 favorite Batman films. Batman: Dead End was a short, fan-made film done to promote Sandy Collora's directing skills back in 2003.
In these 7 odd minutes you get a look at the most comic accurate interpretations of these characters ever committed to celluloid.

I hope nobody misses Monster Mondays too much, but I promise loads of fun Bat-stuff to take it's place here in the future.
Check back next Monday for a sketch of the Dead End version of the Joker :)