Monday, December 24, 2007


Hope you're all havin' a nice holiday season. Be sure to check back after X-Mas for post 300, okay? I'll do my best to post something cool:)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Checkmate: Headshots

Just figured I'd go ahead and wrap up the week with a few more days of Checkmate sketches if that's alright with you folks.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Checkmate: Suits

Couple more character designs today.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Checkmate: Color Sketch

Hmmm. I won't ruin anything if you're readin' Checkmate by saying who this is. You'll just have to hang in there until #22:)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Checkmate: Snowfall

Well, since my next issue of Checkmate hits stores next Wednesday I figured I'd post a bunch of my design and prelim stuff for issues 21&22 over the next week or so. I'm trying to do this all spoiler free so you all may have to guess who or what some of these things are. Hope that doesn't take any of the fun out though.
Have a great weekend, everybody!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sketch Dump

Here's a couple today since I didn't manage to post yesterday.
Crocker was another sketch I found up on Comicartfans and the soggy Logan was a 3 minute sketch from a while back that got lost in the shuffle until just recently.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mid-Ohio: Guy Gardner

Aaaand here's my last scan from Mid-Ohio with my favorite Green Lantern, Guy Gardner.
Sure it's a teeny tiny scan but that's all we've got, okay?
Also, if anyone else has a scan, or even a photo, of my sketches from the show would you mind passing 'em my way? I'm only two away from having scans of 'em all and the collector in me just HAS to have a complete set:). Oh, and thanks again to Adam.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Old Wolverine Con Sketch

Here's one I yanked off of comicartfans the other day:)

Friday, December 07, 2007

Mid-Ohio: Knight on a Horse of Leaves

This may be my strangest sketch request from this show but ya know what I ended up havin' a lot of fun playing with it. What he wanted was a knight, with some antler horns, riding a horse made of leaves...leafs? leaves? and the rest was up to me. I'd go blind if I ever had to draw this over and over again in a comic but I'm really happy with how this one came out.
Thanks again, Billy.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Mid-Ohio: Major Bludd

This was for a GI Joe themed sketchbook where I got to pick any character from this really amazing reference book that had been put together. There were a lot of ones I ALMOST drew but, after passing on a guy with a cinder block on a stick and a bunch of snake men, Major Bludd's robot arm sold me on him. Thanks again, Shane.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Mid-Ohio: Milo

Closest I've ever come to doing an Unknown Soldier sketch for somebody:) This here's Milo from 100 Bullets. Thanks again, Gary.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Mid-Ohio: Wildfire

Here's one for all you Legion fans. This was actually the first page in this particular sketchbook. No pressure, right;) It's always a little scary to be the first. I mean, I feel like I've really got to bring my A game to get things started on the right foot, so that as more sketches get added each person tries to one-up the last one. At least that's how I think about it. Thanks again, Rob!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Mid-Ohio: Hulk Smash!

Probably the first time I've drawn in someone's sketchbook with a horizontal composition. Nice challenge though. Thanks again, Tim.