I'll be attending Wizard World in Chicago on August 6-9, 2009 and am accepting pre-orders for con sketches.
My con sketch prices for 2009 are:
$50 for a single character in B&W on 9 x 12 bristol
$75 for two characters (on 1 page) in B&W on 9 x 12 bristol
All sketches will be personalized, no exceptions. This list is ONLY for sketches I can get done before the show. Do not email me if you want a sketch in your sketchbook, please come see me as soon as possible at the show.
If you know you will be attending Wizard World Chicago and would like a sketch please drop me a line with your sketch request, my email address is in my profile. Please use "CHICAGO SKETCH LIST" as the subject for the email.
I will most likely only be taking on about 8 sketches each day of the show so I can make each one as good as possible. Hopefully getting on the list will ensure that anyone who'd like a sketch can get one, and this way there's less wait for all you nice folks.