Yesterday, the silver books for
Free Comic Book Day 2011 were announced. Among them is a new
Thor: The Mighty Avenger & Cap story, written by Roger Langridge, drawn by me, and colored by Matt Wilson! Thought I'd go ahead and post the cover process. Hope you enjoy!
For the cover, I was asked to come up with an "iconic" type shot of Thor and Cap. The first two thumbnails were the choices I gave for that.
The powers that be ultimately chose thumbnail 2, which I still had a lot of fun with. Here are pencils.
And inks.

And Matt Wilson's beautiful colors!

Hope you get a chance to pick it up at your favorite comic shop in May!
EDIT: A lot of folks have commented on the great design of Cap in this cover. Just wanted to clarify that this Cap design was by Gurihiru for the upcoming Captain America: The Fighting Avenger with writer Brian Clevinger.