Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Heroes Con: Godzilla vs King Kong and Robin... with Cereal?

This drawing of Robin has been posted here before but I just had to post this latest version of the drawing since at the show I was asked to add the cereal bowl.


Fred said...

Doh!! Would ya believe that I actually looked all over the original piece before discovering that Robin and ceral were actually a second and totally seperate piece of art? Stunning first piece and very fun second.... though he is going to put an eye out trying to eat that stuff.

Alan said...

Godzilla/Kong is a doozy.

Anonymous said...

Kong vs. Godzilla is crazy good. Stunning.

Matt W. said...

Wow, you really went all out on that King Kong/Godzilla piece! The details are absolutely amazing. They both look ferocious. The Robin cereal piece cracks me up.

Craig Zablo said...

Kong vs Godzilla. Iconic. Well done!

Brian Jones said...

Man that Godzilla vs Kong is killer! Love those old Toho flicks and you updated the battle to epic status....

Chris Samnee said...

Thanks so much: Fred, Alan, Lee, Matt, Craig and Brian.

Fred, the fact that you were looking all over the wrong piece for Robin is just hilarious. Thanks for making my morning:D

Big thanks to the rest of ya for the kind words. Plenty more kaiju to come if I have my way:)