Here are a couple characters I created when I was a young pup, maybe 7 or so.
Both are pretty much in the same outfits, or lack there of, I used to draw 'em in.
I'd give you more info on these guys but I'd just end up embarrassing myself even further.
I mean, they come from the mind of some kid who just sat around in the woods of Missouri in a log cabin readin' waaay too many comics and trying his damnedest not to watch anything that wasn't animated so I'm sure you can imagine how scholarly their origins must be.
And yet, I'm gonna clean it up & color it :) I think these 2 need a sitcom... or at least a theme song.
Oh, c'mon. Those characters look awesome. You've got to give us a little background, at least on the mini-Easter Island guy.
They honestly remind me of something you'd find in a Fraction or Ellis book.
Digging up things like these from the old memory chest is like treasure. I love seeing stuff like this.
Come on man! I want background on these guys! By the way, the smoking guy isn't Marvel friendly...
Hmmm. Well since Laura noted that, other than the fact that I watch live action TV and movies now, I'm still pretty much the same as I was when I was 7 I'll give you a taste. Don't say I never did nothin' for ya though.
The guy on the left is the Raccoon... not really sure why his chest emblem looks so much like a "W" but it's supposed to be like a mask. Anyway he's sort of a mash up of Wildcat and Batman, boxer by day masked vigilante by night. No tights or anything, I was going for "real world" feel;) hence the sweat pants and shirt, and the backpack to hold all the rope needed to swing from building to building.
The little guy's name I'm blanking on but he had numerous origins. I kept reinventing him in the margins of my notebook paper in school, but he may or may not have been an alien baby transported to Easter Island only to decide not to plant himself in the ground like all those other suckers you still see there to this day.
So that's that. Thanks everybody.
Hahahaha! Well worth it man! You're a trooper! You know, the funny thing is, I'd probably buy that book. Sounds better than most books out right now.
Does The Raccoon have room in his backpack to carry around Easter Island guy if he gets tired or can't keep up (what with the short legs and emphysema)?
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