Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Booster Gold

After a long day of drawing a blonde guy with a star on his chest, I thought I'd switch things up today. Wait, what?


Zaïtchick said...

Good work with unusual use of black and white.

Matt W. said...

Ha! A departure, indeed. Anyway, I love the clean and elegant simplicity of the design of this sketch. It's difficult to distill these characters down to such a minimalistic respresentation, but you've managed to do so with artistic aplomb. Kudos!

Luke said...

So happy the blog is back in full effect. I've missed my daily dose of Samnee.

damon said...


Unknown said...

Wow. Fantastic sketch. I would love that piece, but it looks like it is spoken for.

I've always wanted a Samnee, and now I know I want a Blue & Gold.

Hopefully I'll make it to a convention soon.

And congrats on the Cap book!

Randall Nichols said...

I'm surprised to see Booster translate so well to Black and White. But you've made him so dynamic without the colors, it's just wonderful.