Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Daredevil #12

That's right, folks, my first issue on Daredevil as rotating regular artist is on stands TODAY!!

Here's a preview of the issue if you'd care to take a gander at what's behind that cover.

And speaking of that cover, by the one-and-only Paolo Rivera, go take a look at how it was made RIGHT HERE over at Paolo's blog :)


Eric! said...

Samnee and Daredevil, great team-up!!

P.S. When does your daughter start school.....I miss Lunch Notes ;)

Unknown said...


Percy Bysshe said...

Awesome DD - congrats!

RDB said...

So happy to see you on DD : with Mark Waid and Paolo Rivera, you're the third member of a dream team for the man without fear !