With another deadline creeping up behind me and Wizardworld Chicago only a few days away I figured I'd fill this post with a bunch of sketches I've been doing since I got back from San Diego. This'll most likely be my last post until I get back from Chi-town. Later!
Nice drawings. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stoppin' by!
When you get back from Chicago let me know so we can chill out one night and catch up.
Wow! Great stuff! Classic newspaper strip style.
This is really great work. Steve McQueen never looked so good.
These are great Chris. Looks like someone was watching the Turner Classic Movies channel on cable recently.
Thanks for signing and sketching my Capote in Kansas this past Saturday night. I had a blast sitting around with you and the missus, the Bunns, Mike Oliveri, Chris, Sal, Vince, Dan, Matt, and Dave. That had to make the convention for me. I couldn't imagine a nicer group of people.
Looking forward to more from you.
Take care,
David Price
Thanks, Bob. Old daily newspaper strips are a HUGE influence on my work. You can't go wrong with Milt Caniff, Alex Raymond, Frank Robbins, the list goes on and on. By the way you've got some really cool looking stuff on your site! I've got another blog to add to my list:)
And thanks to Ian too for stopping by! That art in that Monster story on your blog is totally rad. Kind of J. Bone meets Mignola meets Andi Watson. Swell stuff.
And last but not least thanks to David for being super-nice! This year in Chicago had to be the most fun I've ever had at a con and thanks to guys like David, everyone he mentioned in his comment and just about everyone I had a chance to speak with! Cheers everybody!!
Thank you, Chris! :) You're very kind. I think that your style is most suitable for a moody comic like Queen & Country. Robbins, Caniff & Raymond really made my childhood but it was the more recent discovery of Roy Crane that totally blew my mind!
Anyway, keep up the great work. I can't wait to see those Q&C pages. :)
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