Friday, July 13, 2007

Queen & Country, vol.8 cover

Here's my finished line art (and the pencils) for the cover of the Queen & Country, vol. 8:Red Panda trade coming September 26th from Oni Press.ISBN: 978-1-932664-65-2
Diamond Code: JUL07 3757 which collects all of my work from 29-32, with maybe a few extras thrown in for good measure.
Just a friendly reminder if you're one of those fine folks who's been picking up the singles, the final issue of the run (#32 Diamond Code: JUL06 3346)will be available at your local comic shop on August 1...or you can pick yourself up a copy a bit early at the Oni booth at the San Diego Comic Con.

Have a great weekend, everbody!


Anonymous said...

That's a great looking cover! Is there also going to be a Hardcover edition like the other volumes?


Chris Samnee said...

Wow Nathan, that was the quickest comment ever! I was still clicking on publish!!:)

Yessir, it'll be in the leather-ish hardcover as well but honesly I don't know if it comes out at the same time or not...But yeah, hardcover and paperback editions

Jack Miller said...

Damn fine work, there. Excellent job.

I love your Queen & Country work, sketches, commissions, all of it.

Thanks for posting this!

Anonymous said...
