Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rocket Raccoon


MARY said...


Gabe said...

Now I know what to ask for if I get a sketch from you.

Seriously sweet work man.

Matt W. said...

Move over Han Solo and Buck Rogers, there's a new sci-fi swashbuckler in town. Who would have thought that a raccoon could look so formidable. Great stuff, Chris!

Jason Latour said...

Ah, that's a good 'un sir.

Ryan Schrodt said...

So, so, so amazing. Any chance you'll have this bad boy at Windy City this weekend? If so, perhaps we could arrange something!

mick statham said...

I've loved R.R. since I first saw him in an old Hulk comic back '82. Almost as awsome as Howard the duck.

Jason W. Gavin said...

I would love to see a Chris Samnee version of Rocket Raccoon vs Ch'p
Rabies flying everywhere!

Doctor Fantastic said...

Rocket Raccoon always brings a smile to my face. Great job, Chris!

Brian Jones said...

...and Rocket Raccoon checked into his room.....

Nice one! The art that is, not my atempt at humour ;)

Ryan Schrodt said...

I am so glad to now own this!