Monday, June 14, 2010

I'll Be Back

Just wanted to pop in to let you all know that I haven't given up on this blog. I've just been really, really busy with work and our cross-country move to Portland, Oregon. (I'm actually typing this blog post from Utah).

Things should calm down considerably for me in the next few weeks though so expect more regular posting soon.

For those of you that have asked, I haven't given up on the alphabet sketches. They'll be making a return to the blog as well just as soon as I have the time to devote to them.

Thanks for sticking with me.


Matt Horak said...

No worries. The con updates make up for it. I've been slack on posting stuff and I'm not moving cross country. Just gotta re-apply myself.

Matt W. said...

Good luck on your move, Chris. That's quite the relocation! Bendis and breweries: you can't go wrong with movin' to Portland.

Nathan T said...

Good luck on the move!

John D. Young said...

Good luck on the move! One of the worst things humans do to ourselves! Did you know Mike Allred and much of his gang lives in Portland?
I'm sad, because this likely means fewer KC appearances... oh well... break a leg!
John Young

Anonymous said...

So, how about a commission then?

Just kidding. Enjoy the move!