Monday, May 02, 2011

Update - HeroesCon

Unfortunately, I've had to cancel my appearance at this year's HeroesCon in Charlotte, NC next month. Heroes is one of the best shows around, and I'll truly miss not being there. Thanks for your understanding.

Due to our upcoming arrival, I won't be attending any other conventions this year.


Doug said...

Sorry to hear that, sir, and best of luck with the pending bundle of joy and all the preparations that go with!

Brandon Padgett said...

Hate to hear it, but as a new Dad myself, I can totally understand and appreciate your decision. Best of luck to you guys and hopefully we'll catch you next go around!

Zombie said...

Disappointing, but totally understandable. Good luck!

Eric! said...

Aw, but I completely understand.....but how about a Home Con? Take requests for what you could complete in the comfort of your own home for a regular Con weekend? "Attendees" would prepay and throw in shipping? Just a thought, a selfish one, but I try.
Take care Pop's!

Patman said...

Ooo... Convention-less sketches! If happens, I'd love to take part in it as well!

Getting to see you and Laura at Heroes Con had become a yearly tradition, y'all will be missed.

Count down these days of uninterrupted sleep, cuz' once the baby arrives, be prepared for some sleep deprivation in the early months. Congrats to you and Laura on impending parenthood!

kjchen said...

Aww, Heroes Con without Samnees makes Homer something something.

But we're all looking forward to your return next year with little Kal-El.