Monday, May 16, 2011

Thor: TMA page up for sale!

(click to embiggen)

Many of you know that I don't sell original published pages. Yesterday I put an unpublished page from Thor: TMA #3 up for auction on Ebay, so I thought I would put up a short post about the page and why it wasn't published.

I often self-reject pages after they're pencilled because they end up not working for one reason or another. In this case, I inked one panel then realized I hadn't left enough room for word balloons in many of the panels, so I shrunk down much of the page in photoshop and lightboxed it in ink onto another piece of bristol. So these are the original pencils.

The page that follows is what was published, you can see they are very similar.

If you are interested in owning the unpublished version of this page, the auction goes until Sunday night. Thanks for lookin'!

1 comment:

Mike Hawthorne said...

I want to ink that!!
