Thursday, January 17, 2013

Update to start the year!

I see it's been quite some time since I've updated this here ol' blog!  A huge thank you to anyone who still stops by regularly for updates, I'm so sorry they've been so few and far between.  We've moved twice in the last year and I have spent every waking minute drawing Daredevil and Rocketeer, so we've definitely been busy!  One of my goals for this year is to get this blog up and running again with sketches, covers and updates.  I hope to have more of that to share soon.

I have updated my Appearances page with my 2013 convention schedule.  I'll be at quite a few shows this year, all around the country, so I hope to see many of you in person!  Unfortunately, I've had to cancel my appearance at Heroes Con this year, but for the best of reasons.  Laura and I will be welcoming our second baby in June!!

So a very late Happy New Year to you all!  There's so much I'm looking forward to in the year ahead!


Lan Pitts said...

Congrats to you and Laura! I hope to run into you eventually.


Mark said...

But more importantly when will you be coming to the UK for a con appearance!

Tara C said...

Congrats. Glad to hear you'll make Baltimore! :)

Furney said...

Congrats on the new addition. As a father of two....buckle up. Love your work and best of luck.

Brian said...

Happy New Year and congratulations on the "coming soon" edition to your family.

Brian said...

Happy New Year and congratulations on the baby.

Benny said...

I've been stopping by to see new posts. Glad my perseverence paid off. These sketch covers look great. I hope to be lucky enough to find one. Congratulations to you and Laura on the upcoming arrival of your new baby! Wonderful news, indeed!