Here's something a little different. These doodles were all done in a frenzy after reading my friend Cullen Bunn's manuscript for his young-adult book Crooked Hills. Whenever our schedules match up I'd love to get a chance to work with him, whether it's on a comic adaptation of Crooked Hills or one of his other swell ideas. Get in on the ground floor now guys, CB is gonna be huge, like Bendis huge, go check out his website when you got a minute.
My pleasure,CB. Thanks for letting me read it! People are gonna flip for this book no matter what shape it ends up in. Whether you keep it prose, adapt it to a comic book, tv show, or camp fire story. You can tell your heart's in it, and that's what makes it great.
Hello skippy, man I gotta say I am impressed!!! It's been a long time bro, let me know what's happening in your world, if you remember old Jimbo that is... i hope to hear from you.
Hey Jimbo!! Drop me an email when you've got a minute, man. I can't see your email addy from a comment, but my contact info is in my profile. Later, buddy.
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