Here's a pic of my hand to give you an idea of how I spent my Valentines, gettin' F-ing stitches! I wish I could at least say it happened while doing something valiant, like stopping a mugger's knife with my bare hands or something, but in reality I just cut my hand while doing dishes. If anybody asks though I'm gonna go with the mugger thing. You guys'll back my story, right?
I thought about posting a pic of the stitches but I'm not supposed to take off the bandages yet, besides that probably woulda been pretty gross for an art blog anyway.
Dishwashing hands are soft and vulnerable to attack, my friend.
That is why I never do dishes.
The things you'll do to take a day off from drawing. . .
Aw, dude, that sucks. I hope you recover quickly without any complications!
Hey Justin, ALL of me is soft and vulnerable, my hand was just the closest to somethin' sharp.
Miller, thanks. The stitches come out this week. Woot!!
Uhhhg... sorry to hear it man. That stinks!
That sucks. Just be happy in the thought that others share your ability to cut themselves doing the dishes, like Anna! Both she and her mother have sliced their hands open on our awesome knives. So if we ever ask you guys to come over for dinner, don't offer to help with the dishes. You'll probably lose a digit or two.
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