Monday, September 28, 2009

Windy City Comicon: The Falcon

Given how much I dislike birds, it's okay for me to say that since I grew up with a dad that's a falconer, I'm more than a little surprised to say that this may be my favorite piece from the show.


Chris said...

Awesome. The Falcon never gets enough love, in my opinion. Of course, I grew up on Captain America and The Falcon, so I'm a bit biased!

Scotty Don't said...

I've always loved The Falcon ... though I'm not sure why. I think he appeared in one issue of Captain America from my childhood and I thought he was cool ... I remember it having something to do with skinheads.

Craig Zablo said...

Very dynamic!

Matt W. said...

Power and Luke Cage in a tutu and um...tiara. You've infused this with a purity of design and a soaring optimism that are often missing elements in portrayals of The Falcon. This was a cool choice by the commissioner.

Alan said...

Beautiful graceful pose. The bird in the left works great compositionally. Very Woo - I know it usually doves with him

Fred said...

Wow... that has an incredible Mike Zeck feel to it. Beautiful piece!