Friday, March 05, 2010

Area 10 Contest!

Win it before you can buy it! I have two advance copies of my Vertigo Crime graphic novel Area 10 that I would like to give away, so we're having a contest! There are TWO ways to enter:

1) Leave a comment on this post between now and Wednesday, March 10th at 12 p.m. (central time) telling me a book you'd like to see me draw. Winner will be chosen by random number generator and posted on Wednesday, March 10th! One entry per person please!

2) Follow me on Twitter! I'll randomly pick one Twitter follower on Wednesday, March 10th to win a copy of the book!

This is not the final hardcover edition that will be available for sale on April 13th - this is a special advance readers copy that usually only goes to book reviewers! Good luck!


Justin said...

Spider-Man, for sure.

Miscatonic said...

It would be awesome to see your handle some B&W Hellboy stuff.

The Jack said...

I want to see your take on the New Gods.

Fred said...

Would love to see your take on a Tarzaqn storyline. Either that or the Spirit.

Neue Ziel said...

You, sir, should be drawing a gritty book like PUNISHERMAX!

Momar Van Der Camp said...

If I had to choose just one book for you to draw, which is utterly unfair just to pick one, I would have to say Madman. It's my favorite book and I know Allred would probably never have another artist take it over, but Madman would be a killer book for you to draw monthly.

Allen Errrrr said...

If Iron Fist came back in the form of Orson Randall adventures, you'd be the perfect artist for it.

Spideymark said...

I'd love to see you on Doctor Strange, then we could really see you cut loose.

Unknown said...

i would love to see you rock a Iron Fist book. He is one if my favourite characters, and i think your style could really work well with his powers and story.

Little John said...

I would love to see you on a revival of The Shadow.

Terence said...

I'd pick an ongoing Mr. Terrific book featuring Michael Holt.

rico said...

I'd love to see you draw Nexus!

Unknown said...

Something like a Criminal or Stray Bullets.

Tannerama said...

Scalped. Definitely Scalped.

Unknown said...

Sandman Mystery Theater.

Jeff Turnham said...

A Grendel story with Hunter Rose.

Unknown said...

god there are so many things id like to see you work on.. you have such a strong black and white sensiblity, and youve been getting better and better. One book id tlike to see with you in it is a comic TWART book, with a collection and maybe a collab sequential art thing in the end with one page each from the lot of you... that's be super... But after seeing that video id love to see you draw swampthing... too many time artists either draw the people and swampthing really good, but the enviornment lame, or vica versa.. and id think youd be perfect for it.

John said...

I would like to see you draw for the Dark Tower series.

Tommy Smith said...

All-Star Jimmy Olsen.

Cary Pierce said...

If were ever to truly return, I would love to see you work on Kamandi: Last Boy on Earth. I think that would complement your style immensely.

mdavidct said...

i love to see you draw thw Fantastic 4, i believe you bring a new life to that comic.

Matt Duarte said...

A Nightcrawler solo series.

What can I say, I really loved that sketch you did of him.

Unknown said...

I've said it before, but you would be great on X-Factor. New Mutants needs a good artist too.

ra3ndy said...


y'know... once they figure all this "Bruce Wayne, time traveler" nonsense.

Johnny Golden said...

I think you'd pull off a cool Shadowpact if DC ever has the balls to bring them back and do them justice.

noyokono said...

You should draw some Archie comics!

Jason said...

I think you could draw the hell out of a Batman book.

BT said...

I'd love to see you do House of Mystery. You could own that.

Art said...

Fantastic Four. A big ass Galactus thingamajig. And Brian up there is right, you'd be great on X-Factor, too.

Jason Folkes said...

The Walking Dead!!! black and white, no color.Which would be awesome. Samnee drawing zombies= joy!
Wish the Nazis @ work would let me use twitter!

Nathan T said...

I'd say Criminal... if Sean Phillips ever gets tired of doing it. Or Gotham Central, if they brought it back. And while I'm wishing, I'll just through Queen & Country in there too.

TurningAsher said...

Either Kirby's Demon or some retelling/ relaunch of Phantom: The Ghost Who Walks (cause we need more good pulp in comics)

Alan said...

Do you guys get a great UK cult show over there, called Being Human? About a young vampire, ghost and werewolf sharing an apartment... Not played for laughs. Love to see some Samnee on that.

S. Bautista said...

When Dark Reign is over and if SHIELD reforms, I think it would be cool if you drew a secret agent SHIELD book.

Qwant said...

I'd love to see you on Fables. Especially on a Bigby Wolf issue.
Larfleeze one-shot would be great too.

Jason W. Gavin said...

Chris, you should be all up in a NFL Superpro reboot!
Or if you prefer a DC book than I think a Wild Dog reboot!

Jason W. Gavin

Unknown said...

Aquaman, cause the Black Manta you did was amazing

evangarcia92 said...

I would love to see you do Batman and Robin with Grant Morrison. You guys would kick that book's rear.

sjholcro said...

Daredevil would be great. And I'll second the call for a solo Nightcrawler run.

JY said...

Since your B&Ws are so good, it would be interesting to see your clean and sharp style on The Walking Dead.

As for superhero books, what Astonishing X-men or Birds of Prey?

james corcoran said...

All Star Beppo the super monkey written by Morrison or Ellis

Casey has a medium-sized knob said...

I think it might be easy to say something like Spiderman or the Spirit, but in reality, I'd prefer to see what you'd do upon your own devices.

That or the Human Target.

Gabe said...

Phantom Stranger. All those moody shadows would be awesome.

Brian Jones said...

You know I'm gonna say Batman...but let's make it Batman and the Outsiders! ;)

Doctor Fantastic said...

TRON ONGOING!!! Just kidding. I would love to see you draw NextWave or Zorro. Or anything. . . you know I love whatever it is you're working on.

Jason Latino said...

I really can't think of anything that would top JONNY QUEST!

Anonymous said...

I am thinking a Colossus attacking a Kraken. Monster battle!

ChristopheDuran said...

I would love love for you to work on a Galaxy Trio book. Alex Toth doesn't get enough love.

Kimo Yancey said...

GI Robot and the Creature Commandos set in continuity so there can be crossovers with JSA folk during WWII. Dinosaurs! Monsters! Robots! Nazis! It's everything you can want and more!

Andrew Hanna said...

Daredevil, hands-down!

Jason Palmer said...

Lone Ranger

Craig Zablo said...

A Sin City tale by Frank Miller.

♥ Kara ♥ said...

luv your use of blacks on pulp and "funny" characters, so I'm gonna say I want to see your take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; in the style they started in! X*)

Luke said...


Philip A. Buck said...

the spectre, ... or johnny quest?

David VanDyke said...

I'm thinking Green Lantern Corps. That would give you alot of variety and textures to play with.

Matt Horak said...

Kamandi and I'll third a Nightcrawler book as long as they don't make it all Jesusy.

Giovanni Valletta said...

i think it would be really awesome to see you draw a batman story in black and white.

Monkey Pipe said...

I'm with Jack - you on the New Gods!

I'm also with Mattcrap - I have a great idea for a John Constantine story that I'd have you draw in a second if DC ever go for it...

Jamie Gambell

Unknown said...

Spider Man would awesome!

Eric! said...

Gotham City Central!! Let's get that book back.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see you relaunch Wild Dog!

comikaze said...

You on the Incredible Hulk would be badass!

Scott Agar said...

some Punisher story but it would have to be a Max one.

Anonymous said...

No brainer - The Shadow!

Unknown said...

How about New Avengers?

Matt said...

Doctor Strange for sure!

Wrothy said...

Definitely a book on Etrigan the Demon!

Michael Cowgill said...

The Continuing Adventures of Ben Urich: Boy Reporter.

Unknown said...

What I'd really like to see you draw is more Mighty, but barring that I think seeing you on Hellblazer would be wicked. I think you'd do John and his spooky feats justice.

Unknown said...

I'd love to see you draw Swamp Thing!

darlandta said...


Richard said...

To be honest I'd like to see your take on Plastic Man or even The Rocketeer.

agent_x said...

A lot of the comments above are pretty "mainstream' titles.
Personally, I would like to see you try your hand at something like
It would be very interesting to see you try to adapt the art style to keep it recognizable yet updated.

taterpie said...

Nightwing, because he's my favorite.

Or, an OGN take on Snow Crash. I think your art has the right amount of humor in it to render that story really well.

erica said...

Zorro! I'd love to see you draw Zorro!

Congrats on all your success Chris! I'm so excited for you!

Marko said...

I`d like you to do a fill on Scalped. Would be great, and I know Guera would love it...

rob said...

JONAH HEX. You do great with a moody western setting :)

azhar said...

would love to see your version of Conan...

Jay said...

Hey Chris - I still want to see you draw BATMAN sometime, although I must admit that you'd also be a great artist for DC's QUESTION.

I also would love to see you do a cosmic character, like the Guardians of the Galaxy or Warlock.

Best to you -

Dave Jones said...

I'd love to see you draw a Swamp Thing series!

Nate Fiala said...

Spider-man would be cool.

Anonymous said...

Batman, or Daredevil

KentL said...

Captain America!

Simon MacDonald said...

I'd love to see you tackle a WWII era Invaders title. But if you are asking about books that are currently published then I'd go with X-Factor.

Rebel1 said...

The Question

Rojo said...


Brian said...

I think you'd do a great job on The Spirit.

Ryan Schrodt said...

Does anything and everything count? Seriously, though, I'd love to see you on something cosmic like Nova or Guardians of the Galaxy, or something in the vein of Hellboy (like, you know, Hellboy).

Unknown said...

Secret Warriors

sunando said...


Ian said...

i would love to see you draw an Acme Bat ongoing title :-)

flatelephant said...

hellboy and spiderman but i'd love you to see you on a batman book also

Seth M Peck said...

A Nexus mini-series.

Dennis Owens said...

I'd love to see you do some pages for Bun and Hurtt's The Damned

Scott Cederlund said...

The Muppets

Simon said...

I think you'd do a nice run on Thor or DD.

mario said...

Devil Dinosaur

Wolkin said...

I think you're the guy to bring Jack Knight back to the comic page!

Matthew Brady said...

Since I generally don't care about superhero stuff, I would say something creator-owned, perhaps a crime/noir story. But if I had to choose an existing book, I like the suggestions of Hellboy and Batman.

Unknown said...

Batwoman. Definitely Batwoman.

Keith Knudsen said...

Some sort of King Arthur story...

Unknown said...

A Grant Morrison written project. Either his Batman book in the future, or one of his future Vertigo titles.

Mike Rooth said...

That pin-up you did of ANCHOR a while back (in October? November?) was really awesome and gritty- a perfect look for that character. So that' be my choice. I love the character, but I'd actually buy that book if you drew it.

Dr. K said...

I know this is pretty basic, and others have said it before, but I would be very happy if you were the regular artist on a Batman title.

Things I Like... said...

I would love to see you draw a BPRD book.

Dezusx said...

With your style, I would definitely like to see your take on Moon Knight.

Nikki said...

Would love to see you draw Wonder Woman.

Spaced said...

I'd love to see you do some work on DC's criminally underrated Jonah Hex book.

mdavidct said...


daddytyme said...

Would love to see you tackle the Dark Knight featuring the Joker as his nemesis. I think your style would be perfect for it.

GaryPaulson said...

Dr. Strange -- of course!

Unknown said...

I think you would be the perfect artist for Moon Knight.

Chris Samnee said...

Thank you everyone for entering! Some interesting choices you guys have here! This contest is now closed.

Hectorvadair said...

Hi Chris !

Just a little french chroncles :

Well done, and keep on !!

Chris Samnee said...

Thanks for the kind review. And for dropping by :D Much appreciated.