I suppose this could easily be the Fantastic Four's Human Torch instead of the Golden Age Human Torch, who is now referred to simply as The Torch, but I like to think that a flaming robot from the old days would have a messier looking flame than the organic one that Johnny Storm puts off. *cough* nerd *cough*
Oh, and the 'c' composition is a bit more on the nose with this one since a few folks said they had a hard time making out the letter composition on the last couple days. :)
I actually prefer the other pieces mainly because the compositions aren't as 'on the nose'. They were more interesting because of it. Just my opinion is all...
I agree with Declan. The work we had to do to figure out how it made the letter was part of the fun. I hope D is a little bit harder still.
I'll third that.
I'll fourth that, although the more literal representation makes sense in light of the character that you chose to highlight. I like the compositional insight with respect to the "grittier" feel of The Torch's flames. Good idea, CS!
I think it rules! There is always something to learn from your compositional skills, Chris. You are really an inspiration for me.
Can't wait for Area 10!
I guess I'll be the voice of dissent and just say I dug the sketch. I like the texture of it and there's a real life to the flames. Great job Chris!
Beautiful simplicity, as always.
Who cares what a few folks say... oh shit my name is folkes... nevermind
Anyway leave it to you sir to get me excited about the alphabet again! Awesome job so far! excellent!
SAAAMNEEEEEEE!!!! (fist shake)
Screw all that noise up top. You draw pretty!
I don't think we were complaining about the composition. I never have a thing negative to say about Chris. My complaint was just in people not being able to follow the sketches.
Obviously, his Torch is outstanding. And the C works for him. But the A and B sketches I dug because you had to LOOK for the letter. It wasn't out and out given to you.
Great rendering of the flame. Reminds me a little of Chris Weston's take in First Family.
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