Today the last issue of Thor: The Mighty Avenger hits comics shops. Thank you to everyone who has supported the book. I hope you enjoy it. If you weren't able to pick it up in single issues, the
first trade came out last month and the
second trade will be out in March.
thanks for this wonderful work on Thor, Chris! loved it. looking forward to see you do more projects. Keep up the good work.
Wonderful issue (as they all have been). I wish Marvel had half a brain so you guys could keep creating such a terrific title.
I've heard many great things about this series and will certainly pick up the trades. Perhaps if they sell well enough, Marvel will consider resurrecting it? (Dan Slott's She-Hulk was another cult hit that was cancelled, then revived.)
I just had my first exposure to your storytelling this week, when I picked up the Daredevil/Black Tarantula book you did. I was impressed! Anyway, I hope things turn out for the best :)
Hi Chris,
Wonderful reimagining of Iron Man, grafting the old with the new, in TTMA 8. Did Marvel have any input in the retro IM design? Very much looking forward to your FCBD book with Cap too!
FYI, buying the Thor trades for my granddaughter to read. Hope to meet you at a convention down the road one day.
It's been a great run! Roger and Chris, you've done wonderful work. The Cap/Thor freebie is my must have for FCBD. I'll be looking forward to your other projects, too :)
Thanks for a great series!
Thor The Mighty Avenger has been such a fun, light-spirited series and I'm so sad to see it go! Definitely looking forward to seeing more of your stuff in the future!
I have been enjoying the heck out of Thor TMA since issue one. Thank you for all of your hard work. I am so sad to see the title go, but I guess all good things must come to an end. I loved how you and Landridge handled Tony Stark and Ant-Man and I dream about you two working on an Avengers book some day.
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