Thursday, June 23, 2011


You may remember the last time I drew Aquaman. I know he gets a bad rap, but I really do think he is a cool character.


Mike Sudduth said...

Aw...I though he pulled off Wonder Woman's top quite well. Great stuff as always.

Zaïtchick said...

I like it too.

damon said...

Wow that is really nice

Denver Brubaker said...

Aquaman is one of my all-time favorite underrated and misjudged! Great stuff Chris!

I am Eric Bass said...

AQUAMAN does NOT get the praise he deserves. I blame the SUPERFRIENDS (although i watched it religiously as a kid..who didn't?) But here, he looks like the uber aquatic hero he is...Good on ya, Mr. Samnee!

Alan said...

Family Guy may also be to blame ;) This is a great image though