UPDATE: All commission spots sold within a few minutes! Thanks everyone!
- All sketches will be inked (black & white) on 9x12 bristol board
- One character with some background will be $175.00
- Two characters with some background will be $250.00
- All sketches will be mailed in plastic, between two pieces of cardboard and in a stay flat mailer, through USPS with delivery confirmation. Shipping cost will be $10.
- Shipping will be within the US ONLY!
- No requests for lewd/graphic/overly violent content will be honored.
- Established characters only (in other words, I won't draw the character you made up in seventh grade)
- Finished art is intended for your enjoyment only, not publication.
- Please indicate what character(s) you would like, and if necessary, which version of their costume when you pay through Paypal. Payment through Paypal only.
- I will follow up with you through email to confirm your request and give you an approximate time table for shipping your sketch.
- Turnaround time should be quick, but hopefully no longer than 6 to 8 weeks.
- When all commission slots are filled, the store listing will display "sold out".
- Lastly, I reserve the right to refuse a sketch request for any reason, so pick something good! ;)
Purchasing a commission spot through my store indicates that you have read the above information and agree with it.
Thanks so much!
woo-hoo! I have just the thing in mind! Hopefully I can get away Friday afternoon to order one in time! Thanks for doing this Chris!
Want One! Also hope I get a spot in time. I'm not sure what to request yet, so I'm going to look back over the blog for ideas. Thanks! Robert
I made a suggestion for a character from a Japanese comic some time ago,and I'm glad you're doing this, and I would like to ask for a commission, but... I have five dollars. Darn it. Five dollars that will be used to buy oil for my car, so I have no dollars. Darn it.
I hope I can get one of the lucky slots!
Yeah, got one! My wife bought it for me as I cannot access the internet from work so she did not put any instructions in, but I am in! Can't wait to see if Chris will take my idea...I hope so! - sean w
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