Saturday, March 25, 2006

Another Shameless Plug

Here are a few more outfits for the cast of Queen & Country. Just wanted to do another Q&C post since I just got my first look at the printed copy of issue #29. I'm pretty darn happy with it I gotta say. Nobody ever gives any love to letterers, but John Dranski did a bang-up job on this one. If you don't care about my drawings, or Greg Rucka's awesome writing, or my pal Brian Hurtt's sweet cover pick it up to learn a thing or two about what a difference a great letterer who knows balloon placement can make. For real, go pick it up...on stands Wednesday the 29th of March!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris, it was good seein' you today man. I showed my brother your books, he thinks they are sweet. I'll see you Sat at your book signing.