Friday, May 29, 2009

Print Contest Winner!

Thank you everyone for your suggestions! All of them were great - although some of you need to brush up on the definition of public domain! :) There were so many great suggestions, I couldn't pick just one so we have TWO winners for the print contest! Congratulations to Fred for his suggestion of the Tarzan/Ape print and Brian Jones for his suggestion of a 50's SciFi print of a giant preying mantis.  Both of you will get BOTH of these prints for your prize so please drop me a line with your mailing address.

Thanks again to everyone who entered the contest!  Stay tuned for another contest to be announced next week!  


Fred said...

Holy #%!#%... the finished image surpassed my expecatations!!! Beautiful work Chris!

Brian Jones said...

WOW! These kick ass! The Sci-fi piece has tons of great elements that if it were a movie who wouldnt want to check it out? The Tarzan piece could be the cover to a ERB novel. Awesome work Chris!

Momar Van Der Camp said...

Too bad I didn't win, but you can't win them all. Plus, the ones that did are freaking awesome. Brian and Fred congrats. And man Chris, beautiful work as always.

erica said...

I think folks knew what "public domain" meant! Some of us choose to ignore it :)!

I'm hoping you'll do a Superhero print for the summer as well!!

Congrats Brian and Fred!! Great suggestions. Awesome execution Chris!!!

Matt W. said...

Absolutely cinematic! Great suggestions, Brian and Fred. Chris took your suggestions the distance and delivered two amazing visuals! Great stuff! Are these prints going to be for sale? 'Cause I want one of each!

Patman said...

I was flummoxed by the "public domain" restriction, but I like the choices and the results!

Alan said...

Excellent suggestions. Worthy winners. Superb drawings!

Jason Folkes said...

Both of those are truly amazing pieces of Art.Congrats to the winners, Awesome ideas!
Super Cool Contest Chris, can't wait to gets my paws on those prints!

Craig Zablo said...

Excellent art to go with great suggestions. Congrats to the winners!

Dan said...

Congrats to the winners. I still want to see something mythological/gladitorial (ever play the LucasArts game Gladius?)
but I love what you've done with these. Sooo...if the subject is public domain, that means you have sole rights to the art, so you'd be the guy to ask if I said I'd like a shirt with the mantis on it, right?? =D

Chris Samnee said...

Thanks everyone! These will be available for sale at shows starting with the show in Bridgeton, MO next week.

Dan - I actually have sole rights to the art on ALL the sketches I post on my blog, regardless of if the character is public domain. Which means that you need permission (please see copyright notice in sidebar) to take ANY image from this blog. I feel very strongly that people DO NOT take images from my blog to create artwork/prints/t-shirts for themselves and will, in fact, revert back to using that big ugly watermark over all my posts if it comes to my attention that people are STEALING images. This isn't aimed directly at you, but your comment gave me the opportunity to address this issue. Thanks for the kind words! :)

Dan said...

I think I phrased it poorly before, what I meant was, since the subject is public domain, that would give YOU the ability to sell transfers or t-shirts including the images without any issues regarding copyright and whatnot. I was more or less hinting that these would make cool shirts if you chose to go that way with it.

If you weren't going to sell them as such, I would definitely ask, and respect your wishes (even if the answer was no), before I would try and use anything you've done for personal use - hell, even then I'd probably ask you if you would either share a file with me or if I could scan a print after purchasing it rather than pull something from the site - the idea of taking anything off someone's site is akin to taking something off a table at a con in my mind. Sorry for the confusion.

Doctor Fantastic said...

Good god, so much awesomeness. Your blog is lots of fun, Chris!