Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Today's sketch is Jack-in-the-Box from Kurt Busiek's Astro City. If you haven't yet read this, you really need to. And while you're at it, you should be following Kurt on twitter, because he is hilarious.


Samax said...

I love this character!

Alan said...

Love this - bursting with dynamism

Jason W. Gavin said...

Astro City is good, but another good "Jack in the Box" tale is "The Stuff of Legend" everyone should take the time to read this series too.

Matt W. said...

One of your very best, Chris! You've got so many fun textures and geometric features to play with here, and it looks like you really enjoyed yourself. Great choice of characters to highlight.

Unknown said...

Thenk yew, thenk yew. :D