Thank you all so much for all the kind words and amazing support you gave this book. Thor: TMA has meant the world to me and I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to work on it with the amazing team of Roger Langridge, Matt Wilson, Rus Wooton, Nate Cosby and Mike Horwitz.
We've still got three more awesome issues that will be out, I hope you continue to support the book. And feel free to let Marvel know that you'd like to see it come back! :)
Terrible news.
I looked forward to your art on that book every month.
This really stinks. This was a fresh book with fantastic artwork and it really stood out as "different" to me. I can't believe that Marvel, in their attempts to trim books, picked this over one of the other 10 Thor books that feature the same tired version of Thor that every other Marvel book features. Your comic was the interesting one. This bums me out to no end.
I'll support your next project however - I love your artwork too much not to do so...
That's ridiculous. The book is so good on all fronts. It's fun, it's fresh, the art is fantastic, the writing's solid... what on Earth is there not to like about this book?
Aww, I'm bummed. A consistently warm, surprising and always engaging book. You're mighty fine comics artist Mr. Samnee, it is the spirit of Toth that attracts me to work, with a keen facility for image design. I'll stop by your table @ Artist's Row @ the Portland Comic Book Show on Sunday 11/21 and say howdy.
I loved this comic. Love. So sorry to hear it's ending. Thank you for your beautiful work on it.
Chris, I usually don't make it a point of harassing creators, especially ones that I'm a bit starstruck by.
But I just wanted to echo fellow sentiment and let you know that TMA was one of my favorite titles dropping every month. I hadn't been familiar with your work prior to it, but since then I haven't been able to get enough of it.
Well done with everything, and I eagerly anticipate whatever glory you and Langridge come up with together, or separate.
I always get my ass up and to the shop when Thor:TMA comes out. Most books I let simmer on the shelves for a couple weeks and then go make a run, but I make sure to grab your book on the week it lands.
For a title that really delivered and was always satisfying, this is a pretty unsatisfying news. I would think selling thousands of copies of a book in today's comic climate would still be a good thing. I hope there were other factors involved (not just numbers).
I hope you guys have plenty of stuff lined up and are able to work with each other down the line.
Gutted - It's the only Marvel Book I buy because of your pencils. I'll look forward to your next project.
Still it was great while it lasted..
I'd like to echo the sentiments of the previous comments, as I really thought that you and Roger were creating something special each month. There was a real vibrancy to your artwork on that book, and you could really tell that you were enjoying yourself. I hope to hear that you've got some other big news to share with us about another project on the horizon that will fill the gap left in the wake of this bizarre cancellation.
So sorry to hear the news.
Just wanted to drop by and say how awesome I think it is the work you are doing in the series. I really love it and hope TMA can continue soon.
I am very disappointed by this news. This was a terrific title, a breath of fresh air. Kudos to Samnee and Landridge for turning in such a wonderful take on Thor and othe MArvel characters.
I still want these guys on a vintage Ant-Man and Wasp series.
Vintage Ant-Man and Wasp series? That'd be friggin' stupendous.
That is very sad news indeed.
Damn, it was a totally benevolent world you both created and I'm going to miss it, but I now have another must-follow artist in you. Great work on Thor, can't wait to see what's next for you.
Cast my vote to keep Thor: TMA.
I'm not happy about the cancellation of Thor:TMA but I am glad that it introduced me to your art. I'll be sure to follow you wherever you go.
It blows my mind that Marvel would allow a series like this to be canceled, especially since this book has been consistently applauded by fans and critics alike. With the current state of the (superhero) comic industry being what it is, you'd think a book that they'd actually get behind is a series like this, because these are the kinds of series is what this industry needs.
Anyway, my regards to Mister's Landrige, Wilson, Wooton, Cosby, and Horwitz. To a job well done, gentlemen!
Mr. Samnee, I confess I've not been a long time reader of your work, but in the past year I've been taken by it. You've been quite an influence on my own art, recently.
And I can't wait to see what comes next! Though I will forever miss you drawing Thor.
Sorry to hear that Chris... the number of Marvel books I read has now gone back to zero. You and Roger have done consistently solid work on the book since the first issue, and Thor:TMA is the most entertaining, well-drawn comic I've seen in a long time. Yet another thing I fail to understand when it comes to Marvel's editorial choices.
Good luck to you on your upcoming projects, I look forward to reading what you come up with next.
Sorry to hear the news, Chris!
This was the only Thor title I was buying!
All the same, it was nice to have, my kids and I enjoyed it and we'll have some fabulous back issues to go back to.
Thanks for the wonderfully fabulous work on this book - both you and Roger.
Mr. Samnee I love this book. You and Landridge are making comics like the kind I remember my uncle reading to me when I was a little boy, but with a modern sensibilty that made your book shine among some dim offerings at the comic book store. I never will understand how a book as praised and well made as TMA can be cancelled. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a re-start, and I'll continue to follow your work.
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