Monday, May 21, 2007

Fear Agent...INKED!

Alright, here's the inks for that Fear Agent back cover I posted on Friday.
For this I really cut loose and went straight to inks without tightening up any of the pencilled art. I had a lot of fun with the textures and crazy landscape, and since I wasn't laboring with over-rendered pencils I ended up with a lot of happy accidents.


Anonymous said...

I just saw the August solicits. Chris Samnee on Checkmate! Hell Yeah, that's awesome Chris!

Chris Samnee said...

Yay me!!! I'm drawin' long-underwear:) The six year old in me in so happy right now, you don't even know. Hopefully it'll show in the finished product.

NolanWoodard said...

Hi Chris. Nice to "meet" you. Rick and Dave needed some last minute coloring on your FA cover so they hired me. I read your comment on inking it so I tried to stay just as loose with my colors. Hope you like it!

Chris Samnee said...

Thanks so much Nolan! I just got a chance to check out the colors last night and I gotta say, it looks really cool. Love the light coming off the raygun and the highlights on the tentacles. Thanks for making me look good even if you were behind the eightball a bit.