Wednesday, April 09, 2008

pre-Planet Comicon: Galactus!

Behold, the hardest helmet to draw EVER! So many little details and junk... and apparently Kirby drew them different nearly every time he showed up in the Fantastic Four. Still quite a bit o' fun.
Thanks again, Pat!


Anonymous said...

Holy Shit, Chris! That is hands down some of the best stuff you've ever drawn.

Chris Samnee said...

Hm. Thanks, Luke. Take that everything else I've ever drawn!

Anonymous said...

I've got to agree, this one really stands out!

Anonymous said...

I saw this on CAF and dropped a load, Galactus was one of the references I brought to the show and almost had Tony Moore draw one of him, now I know who to go to if I want the planet-eater...


B2-kun said...

Great drawing! Nice work!