Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Whatever Wednesday: Website Banner

A few weeks back Laura was working on my new website for one of her classes. You may remember a call out for evaluations one crazy Sunday evening.
Anyway, this is the header I worked up for the site. Nothing's going live just yet, but I thought you all might like to see this little noir-ish piece.


Alan said...

Excellent shadows on the 'dame'. Strikes me this would benefit from a second colour ala Mike Cho's work

Anonymous said...

Looks great, did she make it with html, css, dreamweaver, other? Can't wait to see when it is launched...


laura said...

Hi jwgav,
I used Dreamweaver after learning to hand code HTML and a little CSS. It will be a while before it's launched though, since I want to be a bit more proficient with Dreamweaver to complete it!

Anonymous said...

I am taking some web-design courses too, I made a few web-sites with html, have not had any css classes yet, I could have used Dreamweaver in my class but I did not have the money to buy it yet and I thought it would have been "cheating" in the html is fun to do... good luck with your classes...
