Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Hurley Con: Deathstroke the Terminator

This was my first crack at drawing Deathstoke. I've always thought he was a great character, and I think I have all but an issue or two of the Deathstroke: the Terminator comic, but I never actually tried to commit him to paper.
Anyway, I wanted to make sure I could draw his crazy mask before I did the requested full-on sketch.
Thanks again, Brian.

Oh, keep an eye out for pranksters today, okay? Nothing good can come of April Fool's Day.


Brian Jones said...

Awesome job on one of the baddest dudes in the DCU. Thank you Chris!

Oh and not all bad on April fools day, it is my wife's Birthday :)

Matt W. said...

You captured all of the menacing attitude the first time out of the gate, Chris. I'm going to print this out and have the most badass looking bookmark around.