Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wizard World Chicago: Green Lantern vs Sinestro


laseraw said...

i just read the first 3 tales of gl...
your stories in there are wonderfully told!
the art works perfectly with the coloring. did you guys work together?
i´m looking forward to more of them!


Matt W. said...

Your Sinestro is brilliant! Great composition, sir.

David Hahn said...

Ying and Yang. Beautiful.

Bat said...

Doh! I missed ya at Heroes and Chi-town. Maybe get a chance to get a sketch at Baltimore or Mini Mega Con?

Chris Samnee said...

Laseraw: Thanks for picking up the books. I had a blast on the stories and having John Kalisz on colors always classes up my work... but that magic is all his own. His color choices are always better than I could have imagined.

Matt: Thanks, sir. I try to draw Sinestro the way Gil Kane did, but it always comes out the way you see it above.

David: Thanks for catching the composition. It was a bit more on the nose in my head but I'm glad you were able to see it:)

Bat: Maybe next year, Bat. I'm afraid I won't be doing either of those shows...

Brian Jones said...

Chris, does that mean show wise your done for the year or could one pop up that may tempt you if your workload alows?

Chris Samnee said...

Hey Brian,

I've still got the Windy City Show to hit... but yeah, after that I'm afraid I'm spent for the year. Back to ol' drawing board all that.

mick statham said...

G.L. is my all-time fav character. And you've drawn the 'classic' costume, awsome.