Thursday, March 20, 2008



Alan said...

Your DD is gonna be cool. He looks a tad thick-set round the middle, mind. I like the dashes of debris to the right that suggest he's just launched off a building. How big are these drawings?
Agree about the Hernandez comparison on that last post. The great line, and realistic sexy grasp (figuratively speaking) of female anatomy, but still with a 'cartoony' aspect.

laura said...

Knowing just how little sleep you're working on right now, I think your DD looks great - thick or not!

Alan said...

He looks super-great! and graceful. The DD Annual pages must be lookin' fantastic. Maybe there'll be a 'DD tries The Abdominizer under his tunic' sub-plot. ;) Seriously: lookin' fantastic.

Justin said...

Yeah, this DD really rocks! Not even looking before he leaps. That is the Daredevil I know and love.

Paul Neal said...

It's simple. But its beautiful. When's the annual out?

Chris Samnee said...

Thanks,everybody. The annual streets sometime in April...I'm not sure on the exact date.