Out on stands today is issue #1 of X-Men vs Agents of Atlas, written by the the one-and-only Jeff Parker himself, illustrated by Carlo Pagulayan with 8 pages of classic action dutifully doodled by yours truly, all wrapped in two, count 'em TWO different covers to choose from. The regular edition is by Ed McGuinness
or if your tastes lean more toward the undead, there's the zombie variant by Gerald Parel
Veronica Gandini turned in a swell job on the colors for the issue, like the one you see here. This is my first page in the issue, sans dialogue.
and here's the black & white line art so that we can have something new up here today:)
The Mighty #9 is also on stands at your local comic shop today, with another beauty of a cover by Dave Johnson and, as should come as no surprise to those that have been following along, it's another scorcher of an issue by the writing team of Peter Tomasi and Keith Champagne!
A double-dose of Samnee on a Wednesday is just what the doctor ordered. I'm looking forward to reading both tonight when I get home. Congrats, Chris!
Crap! I've conditioned myself to ignore all X-titles, so I totally forgot to look for the X-Men/Agents of Atlas #1 yesterday at the LCS. Doh!
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