Thursday, January 21, 2010


If you leave my blog with nothing else this week, I want you to remember...

In case it's unclear, or if you haven't read any of the great old Jimmy stories from back in the day, he used to carry around a pen (the fountain pen gun) that shot out a burst of compressed air so powerful that it could knock a man unconscious with the push of a button.

See? Jimmy didn't call Superman for every little thing! He could take care of himself in a scrap. He just uses that signal watch when someone's life is in danger... or if he needs help teaching some frat boys a lesson or something.

Since I managed to stop myself from jumping into inks for long enough to make a scan before jumping on to the inks, here are the pencils


Alan said...

That's a keeper. Beautiful. Gotta a real Frank Robbins feels in the inks and dynamics. :)

james corcoran said...

Totally agree, Jimmy in the hands of the right writer is totally cool. Must say your little Swamp Thing film was inspirational to me, have been using brush pens for a while but it made me realise I need to be bolder and more confident with my lines.

tonci said...

hot damn!

Matt W. said...

I've gotta say I'm convinced: Jimmy Olsen IS a badass! I love that confidently stern look on his face. Great perspective as well. Keep reclaimin' 'em, Chris.

Brian Jones said...

Olsen, James Olsen...!
I'd read that book!

Paul Salvi said...

I just found this place via the Twart blog and just wanted to say Holy Shit.

Chris Samnee said...

Thanks so much, guys!! I think I have an unhealthy love for Jimmy Olsen:)

Welcome, Paul. Feel free to poke around:)