I initially had a not-so-subtle question mark shape in the background here but, to be honest, it looked really forced... So with the skill of a tattoo artist attempting to cover up somebody's drunken mistake I went about drawing s'more buildings 'n' such to fill in the gaps.
You can probably still see little hints of where it initially was though.
Thanks for lookin'!
I've always been a fan of the work that Denny O'Neil and Dennis Cowan did with Question... so I had that version of the character in my mind, but ever since I saw him in the JLU, I came to really appreciate the old look.
I must say that you are a fine tattoo artist sir!.
Nicely done, sir. Bravo!
very cool
Wuauuu awesome ^^
That guy is veeery cool
Sir, there is something about this particular illustration that just calls to me. Bravo as always! :)
This is amazing, one of my favorite pieces of yours from blog. My favorite Question stuff is actually from the Justice League Unlimited Cartoon. I thought they nailed him - just like you...
This is your high contrast style taken to the almost abstract. A beaut
Whoa. Amazing. The high contrast adds some nice atmosphere.
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