Friday, August 06, 2010

Damian Wayne: Robin

Here's my best shot at the Frank Quitely designed costume for that little jerk Damian.


Matt Horak said...

He is a little jerk. Nice drawing tho.

Matt W. said...

Great flourishes on the costume elements, and you've also managed to capture that impish demeanor on his face to great effect. Topnotch, Chris!

Oeming said...

Man, I totally love your art.

Oeming said...

Chris, I love your work!

Momar Van Der Camp said...

I hope that some of these people found you through that CBR interview they just did.

It was great to hear someone talking about your work and just learning about it. I remember when that was me. Keep up the best work.

inkedlibra said...

Great drawing