I forgot to do a ten minute sketch yesterday, so here's something I've been working on a couple minutes at a time for a few weeks now. It's just been sitting next to my desk and whenever I get really frustrated with a comic page I scribbled on this...
It's a bit of a redesign of a character from my favorite two episodes of Wonder Woman "Mind Stealers from Outer Space". It's called the Sardor... and I took more than a few liberties with it's look ,considering it was all just flat black costume and a Darth Vader mask with a few painted silver bits and some glued on chunks of hair, but I think it's still recognizable.
Phil Jimenez actually drew him in a big montage page of Wonder Woman a while back but other than that I don't think he's ever made it into the the actual DCU.
Here's a link ,if you want to scroll down a bit, you can see a few screen caps of what he looked like on show.
Just beautiful.
I'll now have to change the definition of "scribble" in all of my dictionaries.
Those were my favorite episodes of Wonder Woman, too!
Thanks Megan. Most of the scribbling was the pencils... but nobody gets to see that part:)
Thanks CB, good to know I'm not the only one.
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