This one turned out almost exactly how I pictured it in my head, which is actually a pretty rare treat for me.
Oddly enough though, my favorite bit is the acid rain pitting and little cracks on the gargoyles that were added in during the ink stage. It's little things like that which make inking over loose pencils the most fun. If this were all neatly rendered I may not have ended up with those types of little happy accidents.
Thanks again, Matt.
Dude, it never ceases to amaze me how little info you need before going to inks, particularly for the background here. Excellent!
Thanks, Seth. If I over-think the pencils I know the inks'll never be quite right.
Scribbling in a few pencil lines though pretty much guarantees that (if nothing else) the inks will be better than the pencils:)
"Hey! Pull up a gargoyle and lets get down to business!"
This is definitely one of your best pieces, Chris. . . and you know I love them all!
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