Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Books I'd Kill to Draw: B.P.R.D.

Since I've been having so much fun with the Books I'd Kill to Draw theme (BIKtD to the cool kids) I figured we'd keep this going for a while longer.

Today we've got Johann Kraus and Roger the Homonculus from Mike Mignola's B.P.R.D.

They've had so many great adventures I figured to pick from I decided to just draw a couple of the agents having a bite to eat:)


Momar Van Der Camp said...

Awesome. Absolutely love Johann Krauss. He's cool as hell.

Keep up the good work and keep these crazy things coming. Maybe Guy Davis will give up the book soon and I think you could take that up lickety-split.

Dan C said...

Really dig this drawing. Especially the little details, like the shadows under the forks, the folds on Krauss' sleeve... and HB and Abe's unfinished food("He has eaten the pancake!").

I hope the folks at Dark Horse give you a shot on this book one of these days. I'd slug my own grandma to see your take on Abe and Ben Daimio.

Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, yes! BPRD is a book I follow religiously (like Q&C), and I think you'd be a perfect fit for it, if they needed a fill-in.

How do you feel about Lobster Johnson? ;)

Keep up the good work!!

Chris Samnee said...

Super-big thanks, Dirty, Dan and Miller!!!

I'll try to get some more BPRD sketches up here soon so Dan doesn't have to slug his Grandma:D

Maybe a Lobster Johnson too, Miller.