Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Whatever Wednesday: Abe Sapien

Yeah, just in case today's them isn't obvious enough, this will be sort of a catch-all in the middle of the week where I'll post basically... whatever. It could be a panel from what's on my desk at the moment, experiments with new art supplies or something like what you see today. Having just finished watching a PBS program on cuttlefish I wanted to do a sketch of Abe Sapien battling one. Well, I guess here he's really trying to escape from one... but whatever.


Momar Van Der Camp said...

I'm not sure what to say about this. It's just so awesome that it hurts. I love that it is straying from the use of shadow that you love so much, and it just feels so pretty.

Alan said...

a great composition; I love the three layers of depth, accentuated by the different gray tones.

Doctor Fantastic said...

Splendid work! I love Abe.