I know everyone has their favorite version of Nick Fury. Yours may be Sgt. Fury, who fought in WWII, the Sam Jackson-ized Ultimate version, or even the one played by TV's David Hasselhoff but my money will always be on Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. James bond style action, espionage and flying cars is just the perfect recipe for good comics!
This will probably be the last week of
Books I'd Kill to Draw. I'll still be peppering in some BIKtD, but I've decided on few new themes I think would be a lot of fun to start posting here in the days to come. In the meantime, thanks for lookin'!
I recently heard a podcast do a retrospective on the series. And I have to agree it sounded like so much fun, and I think your style would suit a new series quite nicely. Plus, Fury Agent of Shield was a bad ass, as the podcast pointed out, he smoked cigars while wearing a shirt that could explode.
Like the blue touches on the shirt
Now THAT'S a book I'd buy!
perhaps you could start a "books you would die, before you ever draw it" series??
What could it be? Mr. T and the T-Force? NFL Superpro? The Inferior Five? Steelgrip Starkey?
Heck Yes! I love Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD! Chris Samnee on that title would be so amazing! Thanks for teasing us!
Could this possibly be a hint at a book you might be working on in the near future? Some Secret Warriors maybe? I can hope can't I?
This would be a great book for you Chris. A little espionage mixed with superheroes. I know I'd buy it.
Wow, thanks everybody!!
Yeah, I really only keep up with Fury through Captain America (since our boy Nick still isn't back in his own title) but this sure would be a helluva lot of fun.
Hmmm. Steelgrip Starkey, eh? I might have to take that challenge.
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