I'm embarassed to say I've only seen the first two or three Harry Potter films, and have never read any of the books. I was working at Borders when a couple of those books came out, and the craziness around the store managed turned me off from wanting to take the plunge. Maybe now that it's been a while since anyone has told me I just HAVE to read them I'll take another crack at catching up on the movies.
Does that make sense? Whatever. See ya tomorrow, folks.
I have read all of but the last book and have seen (and own) the movies, I bought the last book on the night it came out and started to read it and I got about half way through when people would start to come up to me and say things like wow you have not finished that yet? That kind of turned me off and I have yet to finish that book, I mean god forbid I don't sit down and read the book straight through in a 10 hour reading session...that really bugged me.
It did take me a few years to get on the bandwagon though, a friend of mine gave me the first book after the third one came out, so I read the first one and got hooked pretty quick...
Anyway...great drawing by the way!!
It is weird that most HP fans will hole themselves away for the weekend and read the newest HP novel non-stop. It's like literacy crack, or something.
I haven't read the novels, but have seen all 5 films, I still like Alfonso Cuaron's effort in The Prisoner of Azkaban the best, just because I am a bigger fan of Cuaron's direction and eye for details, than the HP film franchise.
Nice one Chris...great likeness.
Dude I totally feel you on this one. I was working at Waldenbooks when they came out and the craziness really turned me and I refused to read them. I have since seen all the movies and read the first two books.
Just read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. . . that's what JK Rowling did.
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