Hey folks! Made it back safe and sound from Wizard World Chicago and had a doozy of a time sketching, chatting and meeting a ton of great folks. Big thanks to all of you who made it out to the show and managed to track me down in Artist's Alley.
For the next few weeks I'll be posting the pre-ordered sketches that I managed to work up before the show. If any of you out there had me sketch something for you at the show I'd love a scan to post here on the ol' blog. Thanks again, everybody.
Now to kick things off we have Jugger Grimrod (from Alien Legion) here doing his best to hold his own against and Alien. What a match that'd be, eh?!!
Wow -Alien is beautifully rendered!
So you've now done just about everything sci-fi I've ever loved. I just had a brilliant idea for my next sketch from you and it will have to be the Kurgan vs the Predator. Just have to be. I mean, you've done so amazingly on everything else.
I love the suspense that this one evokes, Chris. The scene is dramatically rendered and the acidic saliva eating through Jugger's weapon is a nice visual element. Very impressive.
Hey Chris, it was nice getting a chance to talk to you. Actually, you probably got tired of seeing me at your table. I apologize for that. I hope you have a great rest of the week and good luck with your future projects. I tried to send you a DM on twitter but I couldn't due to us not both being followers. My head sketch was brilliant. Thanks a lot.
Very cool!
Thanks Alan, Momar, Matt, Nicholas and Craig. I had a real blast on this one.
No worries, Nicholas. Glad you dig your sketch, sir :)
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