These are sketches I did at c2e2 this past weekend. Sorry for the quality. Most of these are from cleaned up photos from my phone. If you are the owner of one of these, and can get a hi-res scan (400 dpi or more), please email it to me at samneeart at gmail dot com. I'll try and get it in my next sketchbook! Thanks so much to everyone who got a sketch, picked up a book or just stopped by to chat! Laura and I had an awesome time at the show!
Makes me wish I had bought a sketch. It was nice meeting you both at c2e2 and extra nice of you to trade me your sketchbook for some t-shirts I had made. Very cool. Keep up the great work!
Every time you come to KC, I seem to miss you for some reason. Although you did do a great Ben Grimm chomping a cigar for me at the 2007 Mo-Kan Comics Conspriacy.
Nexttime you're out this way I will be at your table w/ cash in hand for a Rocketeer sketch. Or maybe Cap. Or Nightwing. Ah jeez, maybe you shouldn't head this way, I'll go bankrupt.
As with all of the other commentators, I enjoyed all of the sketches. They are simply beautiful. I particularly love your version of The Question. With regard to your version of The Spirit, one must wonder what Will Eisner would have thought of it. In fact, DC's new Spirit series- the first issue of which was released today- contains a black and white back-up feature. Is this something you would be interested in contributing to at some point?
awesome and a lot of them, love the composition of all of them.
Superb. Amazing to think you did these in record time, in public with all those distractions. Every one a gem
Makes me wish I had bought a sketch. It was nice meeting you both at c2e2 and extra nice of you to trade me your sketchbook for some t-shirts I had made. Very cool. Keep up the great work!
Holy Mary....
Every time you come to KC, I seem to miss you for some reason. Although you did do a great Ben Grimm chomping a cigar for me at the 2007 Mo-Kan Comics Conspriacy.
Nexttime you're out this way I will be at your table w/ cash in hand for a Rocketeer sketch. Or maybe Cap. Or Nightwing. Ah jeez, maybe you shouldn't head this way, I'll go bankrupt.
Wow. You do a shockingly good Power Girl.
thank you for signing my book and for sketching a very cool Tara Chase, but best of all was that you remembered me from Cons before.
As with all of the other commentators, I enjoyed all of the sketches. They are simply beautiful. I particularly love your version of The Question.
With regard to your version of The Spirit, one must wonder what Will Eisner would have thought of it. In fact, DC's new Spirit series- the first issue of which was released today- contains a black and white back-up feature. Is this something you would be interested in contributing to at some point?
As always, I wish you the best.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Patrick Herman
These are amazing. When I go to my next con... I'm gonna have to place an order! :)
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