I just realized I'm fresh out of new material to stick up here on the ol' blog. I've got several theme weeks rattling around in my noodle, and maybe a few things in my sketch books that still need to be scanned in, but for now just go watch this trailer for the
Batman Brave and the Bold that
Mike Manley posted up on his blog. Gorilla Grodd, Gentleman Ghost, Golden-Age Green Arrow and bunches of other stuff I'm sure starts with "G" like GREAT NEW CARTOON!
I vote for a Cosmic Theme Week!
I vote...take on some commissions!! And i can't wait til that cartoon comes out...sweet Blue Beetle and Batman action!
Now that was cool...can't wait for this show!
Hmmm...cosmic? Maybe. I'll put it on the list.
Commissions? Not likely. Sorry Terence. These are all sketches done at the end of a long day of work, in the half hour before I go to bed to sort of wind down. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted when I'll be taking on commissions.
Yeah that 'toon DOES look great. Tons of Silver-Age goodness:)
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