I'm still reeling from how great the new Jonah Hex series is, and kicking myself for waiting so long to pick it up.
Seriously, if you're not reading this book I implore you to go out and buy a few trades. We have to help rectify this sad state you've been living in. If you don't, I will punch you in the face. No foolin'.
Something about the slightly choppier line and black-spotting works really well for the Western theme. Like Jordi Bernet's style on Hex, or Giraud when he was doing Blueberry. You could definitely do Hex.
What with the time diff, I'm getting these posts first thing in the morning - great way to start the day
HEX!! This piece far exceeded my expectations! I'd love to see you on that book@ Perfectamundo!
Not only could he be doing Hex, he should be doing Hex. You really raised the bar for the theme week posts with this one, Chris!
An instant classic! Your attention to detail is unsurpassed when it comes to designing clever layouts. The unfortunate ne'er-do-well in the horse trough takes the cake.
Seriously, you need to do an arc on Hex ASAP.
Another gem....and I have not been reading this series, sounds like I should be!
Seems like this is right up your alley!
I could certainly see you on HEX. Who do we need to get in touch with to make that happen :)!!
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