Friday, January 30, 2009

Western Week: Tallulah Black

Since I've been catching up on the brilliant Palmiotti and Grey run of Jonah Hex lately I just had to take a stab (no pun intended) at Tallulah from Jonah Hex Volume 3: Origins.

Oh, and here's a little extra Hex... to make up for the fact that I had to sock a few of you in the face yesterday;)

Thanks again to Fred for the Western week suggestion. It was a lot o' fun.
Be sure to check back again on Monday for our third winner of the Name a Theme Week Contest!


Fred said...

Nice... Now I need to go back and reread her story. Ya do a damn fine Hex, boy.

Alan said...

In many ways, the best post of the week, mainly down to the absolutely gorgeous brushwork. That drawing of Tallulah has all kinds of Caniff, Frank Robbins and Hugo Pratt going on

Brian Jones said...

Your brushwork is amazing! Another great week and wish we didnt have to saddle up and head down the trail so soon.

Matt W. said...

Unbelievable! Blasting away with both barrels on these two beauties. Long live Name a Theme Week!

erica said...

Those are some great body language and facial expressions, Chris!

I love how diverse and creative your art choices are!!!

Enjoy your weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

Great Week! I enjoyed all of them, I may have to pick up the Hex series too, sounds good...
Bring Back Super-Chief...wan't he in 52 as part of the replacement Justice League??


Anonymous said...

sad to see this week ride off into the sunset...truly amazing stuff!!!