I'll be honest here, I don't know thing one about the new female Black Panther... but she sure cuts a mean silhouette!

Also, be sure to swing by Hurley Con while you're out tomorrow. If you're looking for me, I'll be the really tired looking guy behind a table with a neck-beard that looks like a bird's nest.
See ya there!
Beautiful she-panther, Chris. Very striking pose and use of blacks. Her jet-black costume and cape really make those trademark Black Panther stripey gloves stand out even more.
Great job!
Hope you have fun at the con!
I can't quite get my head around how you design these unique silhouettes that are so geometrically satisfying, but whatever "voodoo that you do," keep it up!
See ya at the con.
I wish you were going to Heroes Con this year!
Great silhouette. I've never seen this character before but this is an awesome intro to her!
Have fun at Hurley!
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